Newsletter 14: January 19, 2021

Our Zen Caves are available and ready to order! Most reptiles benefit from infra-red light to help them thermoregulate. Randy was reading the science behind infrared lighting on and Zen Caves were born. “Full-spectrum terrestrial daylight interacts with everything that it encounters and in ectothermic species such as reptiles,” according to Arcadia. “It is within these wavelengths that they obtain the energy they need to function.” Additionally, Arcadia notes, “This energy can then be reflected directly or radiated back away into the ecosystem as Infra-red-c, as heated air.” Read more at and learn more about lighting on under Resources.
For Your InformaZEN
We have plenty of videos on Zen Habitats enclosure assembly! The videos are great if you prefer to see how to build things rather than reading instructions!
The story behind how Zen Habitats came to be is an interesting one! Randy discussed it in the January/February issue of Reptiles magazine. We’ve also developed the in-depth From Concept to Reality video series. It is a behind the scenes deep dive into the world of Zen Habitats that details the business mistakes we made, what we learned from them, and how they impacted the way we do business today.