Longtime Owner & Expert Interviews - old
The Zen Habitats team is honored to be part of a continually growing community of reptile lovers. We love seeing everything you share with each other and, with that in mind, one of our goals is to provide interesting stories and information that you can use. This series of longtime owner and expert interviews delves into their reptile experiences and what they've learned along the way. Learn reptile husbandry tips and tricks, information on the unique characteristics and needs of various species, and much more!
Becoming A Veterinary Technician: Kasey's Path
"After working at a Fortune 500 company for several years, I realized I wanted more. I wanted to be fulfilled and make a positive change in the world. I thought about different careers, and then it dawned on me, I love animals, so why not work with them?" – Kasey, Animal Care Manager, Zen Habitats |
Catching Up with Clint's Reptiles
"Now I get to educate people on a scale I never imagined. My biggest passion is learning and sharing what I’ve learned with other people.” - Clint, Clint's Reptiles |
Ty Park Brings Iguanaland to Florida
“Our goal with Iguanaland is to become the largest reptile zoo in the world.” - Ty Park |
With the opening of the 12-acre Iguanaland zoo in Punta Gorda, Florida, owner Ty Park's mission is to offer a unique and educational experience for reptile enthusiasts and all animal lovers.
Alyssa Nicole’s Love for Pets Leads to Reptiles
“The videos on my pet channel focus on all of the animals I own. But the most popular videos are of Bowser, my Bearded Dragon, my Crested Gecko, Lumos, and my Guinea Pigs, Mocha and Latte.” - Alyssa Nicole |
YouTuber Alyssa Nicole was 13 years old when she began her “A Little Bit of Everything” channel. Once it began gaining traction, she soon realized people loved watching videos about animals. She began adding more and more content on her pets, including her reptiles.
Kristen Leanne, Reptile Go To on YouTube
“I recently got two baby Ambiole Panther Chameleons that I named Bonnie and Clyde. They are fun to keep and I love their attitudes and big personalities. However, they are definitely not for the beginning reptile keeper.” - - Kristen Leanne |
As a young child, Kristen Leanne would roam her two-acre backyard in East County, San Diego, CA, after school, playing with bugs and catching lizards, frogs, tadpoles and more. Fast forward and today her popular YouTube channel has become a source for all things reptile.
Em Lock Talks Tokays
“Tokays seem to have a higher level of consciousness when compared to other species of reptile. They form close bonds with the geckos they share territory with and have been well documented helping each other when there is danger. They’ve been filmed fearlessly attacking snakes which have coiled around other Tokays.” - Em Lock, Emzotic |
For Em Lock, growing up in Hong Kong allowed her to have an up-close look at reptiles, learn about them, and come to love them. Her passion led her to create her popular YouTube channel, Emzotic. There she highlights all kinds of exotic animals, many of them reptiles, for her over 700K subscribers.
YouTuber Tyler Rugge’s Journey Leads to Rescued Tortoise
“Since they [Sulcata Tortoise] get so big and they are also very strong, you need a very large and secure enclosure. You need to be sure you can accommodate for that. You also need to keep their long lifespans in mind because you’ll probably have it your entire life.” - Tyler Rugge |
Tyler Rugge thought he never would never get the reptile he wanted. That was until his 16th birthday. From his first Leopard Gecko to rescuing a Sulcata Tortoise, his reptile journey has included a variety of species, many featured on his successful YouTube channel.
Tricia Koczor Talks About Life with Her Green Tree Python and What She's Learned
"Green Tree Python husbandry takes patience and experience. They need high humidity in their enclosures and a delicate and exact basking area. They are not a good reptile for beginners and require a lot of research and reptile knowledge.” - Tricia Koczor, Reptilian Garden |
Owning a Green Tree Python takes patience and experience. Tricia Koczor of Reptilian Garden the most important things to know about Green Tree Python husbandry including their requirements for their enclosure and more.
Mariah Healey Followed Her Passion and ReptiFiles Was Born
“The best way to learn about caring for any reptile is to familiarize yourself with as many of their species as possible. I certainly rely heavily on the work of species specialists to inform me as a reptile husbandry specialist.” - Mariah Healey, ReptiFiles |
Mariah Healey has always been fascinated by and strong in the biological sciences - particularly zoology, anatomy, and physiology. She's had countless discussions with experts in rescue, breeding, lighting, heating, and more. Mariah spoke with us about what she's learned and shared tips she has for reptile lovers.
From Young Boy to Reptile Organization Leader, Dan Rowe's Journey
"I don't consider myself an expert, I’d say I've gathered a lot of experience caring for many species over the years and enjoy sharing what I learn." - Dan Rowe, Rowe Reptile |
As a young boy Dan Rowe was an enthusiastic pet owner interested in lizards. Today he leads a large organization that focuses on conservation, education, and the advancement of herpetology. Along his journey he and his team has researched a variety of reptiles and is happy to share what they've learned.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Dav Kaufman's Worldwide Reptile Adventures
"New Caledonia was the trip of a lifetime. I was the first person in the world to film the Terror Skink. It was only the fifth or sixth living specimen ever found." - Dāv Kaufman, Reptile Adventures |
From southeast Minnesota to New Caledonia, in the southwest Pacific Ocean, and destinations in between, Dāv Kaufman takes viewers on trips chasing reptiles via his Reptile Adventures YouTube channel.