Ball Python Care
Ball Python Care Sheet Provided by Reptifiles
As part of our partnership, ReptiFiles has prepared scientifically-backed care sheets just for Zen Habitats fans. Ball Pythons make good pets due to their docile temperaments, slow movement, and manageable size. Get a shopping list and learn more about terrarium size, lighting, substrate, feeding, and more!
Ball Python Tips From Zen Animal Care Manager
Kasey, Zen's own Animal Care Manager, discusses why Ball Pythons are among her top five easiest reptiles! "Ball Pythons are one of my favorite snake species for their ‘cuddliness’. They get their name from the defensive posture they display when they coil themselves into a ball with their head tucked into the center of the coil. Ball Pythons are sometimes called Royal Pythons. It is believed that name stemmed from the thought that Queen Cleopatra wore a ball python around her wrist as a bracelet,” she explained.
Getting a Ball Python
Our Animal Care Manager Kasey shares tips she's learned about bringing a new Ball Python into her family! “Ball Pythons can make a great addition to families with responsible children, as they are docile and rarely bite. Being in the constrictor family some parents may be hesitant to let their children handle them, but Ball Pythons are too small to constrict humans, even children,” she explained.
Your Healthy Snake
The first step toward keeping your snake healthy, according to Kasey, is to schedule a visit with a exotics veterinarian within two weeks of them coming home. This will establish a baseline for your pet and create a relationship with the veterinarian. Observing your snake’s behavior, body condition, activity level, skin, shedding, bowel movements, and urination is important to monitor overall health.
Snake Tips for New Owners
Zen Habitats spoke with Tricia Koczor, one of our gurus and creator of Reptilian Garden on YouTube, about snakes and what you need to know so your pet can be happy and healthy!
Five Cool Reptiles
Find out why the Nano Chameleon, Marine Iguana, Mary River Turtle, Paradise Tree Snake, and the Phantastic Leaf-tailed Gecko make our Animal Care Manage Kasey's list! Read about the world's smallest reptile, amazing evolutionary adaptations, crazy hair-dos, flying capabilities, and superior camouflaging abilities. And these are only a few of the fun facts you'll learn!
Ball Python Enclosures
Our Ball Python Enclosures are not only functional but beautiful, easy to assemble, and affordable. Zen Habitats enclosures provide a healthy environment for your python to thrive, including large enclosures, front-opening doors, bamboo-finished panels, and non-reflective surfaces.